Informasi Lengkap Seputar Wisata Pantai Selatan Jawa Barat


by ani suryani , at 11.10 , has 0 komentar
For those residents who want to take a holiday to Bandung beach did not have to Rancabuaya stranded a long journey via conventional path more than 200 kilometers to travel to the south coast . Visitors can take in two directions , namely through the Ciwidey and Pangalengan which only takes about 4 hours
A.rute bandung - Pangalengan - Cisewu - Rancabuaya
This road in 2013/2014 has been corrected wrong path Pangalengan - Talegong - Rancabuaya rehabilitated . Now one of the attractions in the southern coast of the Garut district could be achieved more quickly by car or motorcycle trips were without hent speed but the driver must be careful because the road is tortuous . Notes , this pathway , also path - Naringgul Ciwidey - Cidaun .

Then on arrival at London Road junction end - Pangalengan , slam the wheel to the right toward the lake Situ Cileunca tour . From Cileunca , you just follow the main route across the smooth nan Cukul tea plantations .
Continues at junction Cukul - Talegong , tossing another wheel to the right to follow a new path Talegong - Cisewu - Sukarame - Rancabuaya . Later, about 5 km before Rancabuaya , you can already see the view of the beach and the blue sea in the distance . London - Rancabuaya total distance about 115 km .

Another path - London - Ciwidey Naringgul - Cidaun - Beach - Rancabuaya Jayanti . To take this line from the City of London, you just point your vehicle towards the Soreang up in the main line to the area of Ciwidey - white crater - situ Patenggang - Cidaun - Rancabuaya ..

Later, a few kilometers after the door area attractions and Baths Ciwalini White crater , the path will branch off towards the lake Situ tourist Bake / Patengan and others , to the tea plantation area Cibuni . Take a left onto the road and follow the instructions Cibuni direction Purut - Bale Gede - Sukabakti - Naringgul - Cidaun / Jayanti.Sampai in Cidaun adaperapatan you just point the vehicle turn left towards the beach jayanti - Rancabuaya .
ani suryani
TRAVEL ROUTE TO THE BEACH RANCABUAYA - written by ani suryani , published at 11.10, categorized as RUTE JALAN . And has 0 komentar
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